Retain your customers
Although we may think that getting a new customer would be the best thing for an eCommerce, something that goes beyond that would be to retain that same customer.
"Existing customers are 50% more likely to try new products and spend 31% more than new customers".
Therefore, it is very important to be aware of the importance of customer loyalty and put a lot of effort on achieving it, because a large part of eCommerce prefers to focus their resources on getting new customers rather than retaining them.In addition, getting a customer to buy your product is complicated, but that's only a small part of the whole process. The hardest part is getting these same customers to buy a second, third, and fourth time, consistently.But what drives customer loyalty? Here there is some advice to enhance consumers retention1.Create a strong on-boarding experience When a customer makes his first purchase in your eCommerce, it is essential to be aware of the importance of having a good image of the business; that is, make a good impression on them. Therefore, we must ensure that the onboarding process is powerful and attractive at all times.2. Offer unique servicesOffering a product/service that lives up to and exceeds that of the competitors at the same time that we are managing to give the customer a unique image of the product, is not an easy task at all. Creating a personalized customer experience, understanding what they want and what they need and making personalized messages that meet their requirements is an excellent tool that will meet customers' expectations.3. Implement a customer feedback loopIt is essential to know how customers feel and what they think if you want the company to be improved constantly. A process must be built in which the varied opinions of customers can be obtained and analyzed for them to be shared with the rest of the organization. Therefore, you will be able to offer improvements on an ongoing basis.4. Build trust with your customersDon’t assume they trust you because they buy from you. Trust takes time to build. It is important to build content that educates and informs your customers so that they rely on your brand.5. Give customers rewards for remaining loyal"95% of customers prefer businesses to be proactive and not wait for them to contact them. Customer service is essential. 79% will look for more products from a company with a loyalty program". Clearly, awareness of the consumer is key, since it should be the number 1 priority of eCommerce at all times. If they are not satisfied with the service and attention provided, the sought results will never be reflected.[hubspot type="form" portal="25799159" id="cd1c9ec1-2b99-42c3-9c0b-306be6b94bfb"]